

• MUST give enough information about either the file or project you have. What kind of text do you have? Where will you submit the translation file? What is the purpose of translation? Is there any particular terminology you use? This type of information is extremely important to make translation work faster and easier. Specify the words you want to use especially. For example, if you are going to notarize and notarize the translation file, you should say so before you submit the work. In this way, the service provider will take the necessary actions and sign the necessary signatures in advance, thus saving both you and him/her time.

Accurately convey your requests and demands.

What language will your text be translated into? Do you want an official language to be used or a spoken language? Does the information such as footnotes, subtitles, apostille etc. on the pages need to be translated? Are there any expressions you would like to use in particular? Should abbreviations or brand names stay as they are? In what format do you want to receive the file? State clearly and clearly to the interpreter what you want and what you do not want. It is very important that you pay attention to this item so that you do not use sentences like "This is missing", "You didn't need to translate this" or "I wanted to get the file in PDF format" later on.

Make sure to agree on important issues such as price and delivery time in advance.

If the translation service provider tells you, "We can't deliver before Friday," don't just say, "You can handle it". Or, when you go to get the full translation, don't make frivolous requests like "Get this much more discount". Agree with the service provider when you will receive the translation file and how much you will pay. In this way, you can avoid any unpleasantness that may occur later.

Get all the documents you need translated into ready

Saying "I'm sending you the missing files, I'm sending you a few more pages today," just before the deadline will never make things easier. The first thing you will do as soon as you agree with the service provider is to deliver all the materials and documents that you need to be translated. If you want the service provider to do half-baked work and deliver the work on time, you must submit all the necessary documents on time.

If there is something you want to learn, be sure to ask a question.

The service provider you deal with is experienced in some technical aspects of the business, as it has been operating in the translation industry for a long time. When you have a point in your mind, do not hesitate to ask. If the person in front of you has knowledge about it, they will be happy to help you. “Is notarization required?” “Which official institution is interested in this job?” Do not hesitate to ask questions such as:

What are the Translation Types?

While translation is made from one language to another, it is done in two ways, verbal and written. Commercial, academic, artistic-literary, legal, book, catalog, brochure and web translation.

What to Consider When Translating?

Before starting the translation, the text and the subject to be translated are examined. In this way, the translation is both fast, accurate and consistent.

Which Methods Should Be Used.

The most important point to be considered when translating a written text or word into another language is to re-express the meaning and integrity of the sentence without spoiling it. Feelings and thoughts should be expressed clearly by following grammatical rules. Different methods are used depending on what is desired to be emphasized while translating. In one-to-one translation, the content is transferred to the other language as a whole by translating word for word. Sounds and rhythm are more important than meaning, especially in rhymes, advertisements and slogans.

What Types of Documents Require a Sworn Translator.

When sworn translation is made by a sworn translator, the information written in the document is translated exactly as it is. After this translation process, in which the translator does not add his own interpretation, is completed, the sworn translator confirms that the translation is in accordance with the original language, stamps his name, surname and signature. Identity card, passport, marriage certificate, tender documents, contract, bank documents, prospectus, stock certificate, annual reporting document, power of attorney, court decisions, divorce certificate, contracts.

How to Make a Technical Translation.

Technical translation, which requires expertise in addition to grammar, is generally used in the package inserts of drugs or in the user's manuals of the devices. It is more difficult than other types of translation, as the translator must have a knowledge of grammar as well as terminology. Especially, mistakes made while translating the user manuals of drugs or devices produced abroad cause the user to make mistakes and the devices to break down. The most important point to be considered while making technical translation is to express the sentences as clearly as the reader can understand. For this, the ordering of the translator topics item by item will make the work of both the translator and the reader easier. In addition, care should be taken not to use the words 'and-or' while translating so that the reader can understand it more clearly.

Who is a Sworn Translator?

The person who wants to become a sworn translator applies to the notary public with documents proving that he/she knows the relevant language. The notary, who considers the documents sufficient, prepares a memorandum of oath to the relevant translator. The memorandum of oath is specific only to the relevant notary public and is not valid at any other notary public. For this reason, translation offices can only work with notaries whose translators have a memorandum of oath. Notarization is possible only with the signature of such a sworn translator.

What is a certified ( Sworn ) Translator?

The document is translated from the mother tongue to the target language by a sworn translator. The document is signed by a sworn translator. With this signature, the sworn translator indicates that the translation has been translated correctly and in accordance with the original. The document signed by the sworn translator is then certified by the notary public with the Translator's memorandum of oath. The translation process approved by the notary public is called sworn translation.

What is Notary (certified – Sworn) Translator?

The document, which is translated and signed by a sworn translator, is sent to the notary public for approval. In fact, the notary approves only the translator who made this translation. Notarization is not included in the text. In other words, it does not certify that the translation is correct, but that the translator who made the translation was made by a translator who has a memorandum of oath.
